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US President, Donald Trump orders release of JFK's unclassified assassination files

Following the directives given by President Donald Trump, of the United States on October 26, 2017, the US National Archives on Thursday, released 19,045 documents to the public, subject to the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act).

Recall that former US President , John F Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas in 1963 and one, Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald was named the killer in the official version of events.

John F Kennedy, credit: Getty

Despite several revelations made in the past, the murder has been shrouded in mystery with conspiracy theories casting doubt over the true sequence of events.

In the released documents, there were details about a man called Vincent Theodore Lee, who was in charge of the Fair Play for Cuba campaign, which Lee Harvey Oswald was a part of.

In the revelation, there was a fascinating document - entirely in Spanish - documenting Oswald’s movements while he was in Mexico in 1963. He may not have been - as some believe - a CIA agent, but if he was not he was certainly a person of interest to the intelligence services.

The released documents were processed by agencies in accordance with the President’s direction that agency heads be extremely circumspect in recommending any further postponement.

The John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, established by the National Archives in November 1992, consists of approximately five million pages.

The vast majority of the collection has been publicly available without any restrictions since the late 1990s.

As permitted by the JFK Act, agencies appealed to the President to continue postponement of certain information beyond October 26, 2017.

President Trump provided agencies with a temporary certification until April 26, 2018 to allow for a re-review of all documents withheld in full or in part under section 5 of the JFK Act and directed agencies to “identify as much as possible that may be publicly disclosed” and to be “extremely circumspect in recommending any further postponement.”

Based on reviews conducted by agencies in accordance with the President Trump's direction, the National Archives released 3,539 documents on Dec. 15, 10,744 documents on Nov. 17, 13,213 documents on Nov. 9, and 676 documents on Nov. 3 of last year.

The 19,045 documents released today represent the final release of documents in accordance with the President’s direction on October 26, 2017.

All documents subject to section 5 of the JFK Act have been released in full or in part. No documents subject to section 5 of the JFK Act remain withheld in full.

The US President has further determined that all information that remains withheld under section 5 must be reviewed again before October 26, 2021 to determine whether continued withholding from disclosure is necessary.

The latest batch is the biggest and final release of documents following the president's direction.

Credits:Breaking 911, The Mirror


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