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The black bank

By Ninyo Omidiji

The black bank has become a huge industry all over the continent of Africa and in black communities all over the world.

 It is where the average black man takes his hard-earned money, for safe-keep and with the hope of a massive return on investments.

Through a series of extensive, elaborate and systematic marketing strategies, his mind has been re-trained to believe this is the wisest investment he could make to secure his future on earth and beyond.

The owners and operators of the Black bank have promised returns, manifold returns on investments. In some cases a hundred-fold return is promised.

Months have turned to years, years to decades and the black man is still waiting for returns. But, the black bank has multiplied branches all over the black communities.

The black bank has defied all economic hardships thrown at the black communities. It is the only industry that thrives in the midst of scathing squalor.

Matter-of-factly, the more the hardship, the more new branches of the bank spring up.

In most communities, the structures housing the black bank are the most magnificent. They stand out amidst dilapidated infrastructures.

No good roads, no good and affordable schools for the black man's kids and there are no good and affordable hospitals in many communities that play host to the black bank yet the black man is doggedly committed to the bank.

He has been told that the solution to his socioeconomic misery is to invest more money to open more branches.

He agrees. More warehouses and factories are converted to the black Bank. More fund is raised from there to start more branches and the cycle continues. In every nook and cranny of Africa, there's no shortage of this bank.

Alas, it is taking an eternity for the black man to realize that he's neither a direct or remote beneficiary of this industry. Sometimes because he couldn't see life beyond the purview of black bank, he attributes the little mercies he receives from time to time, to his investment in it.

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet the black bank -- The Church. No, not the church of Christ but the church of men. The church that hirelings have hijacked to hold sway and control. Denominations masquerading as the house of God.

Who is going to tell the black man that the Black bank is not an economically viable or recycling engine? Why is it difficult for him to see that his investment in this bank only goes into private hands to enrich a few, and not for the betterment of the generality of the people?

Private jets, private homes, private holidays and foreign trips, private ventures, private schools (the ones the black man's kids can't afford) are all that proceed from operating a black bank.

Even the denomination buildings the black man contributed to build are privately owned by the owners of the black bank.

Yet the average black man would rather take his tithes to the black bank than pay his taxes to the government. He has bought big time into many other products sold to him by the black bank, like the first fruits, first born redemption, Shiloh offerings, covenant this, covenant that, sacrificial this, sacrificial that, and the list goes on.

The Lord Jesus has been sold to the black man as a product and a means to an end, not as the redeemer that He is.

 God has been erroneously sold to him as a money-loving, money-doubling God who responds only to money.

When you hear phrases like "until something leaves your hands, nothing leaves God's hands to you" and you are nodding in the affirmative, that's your common sense leaving you sir.

One major player in the black bank industry recently said and I quote "God doesn't respond to needs, He responds to seeds".

I can't but wonder which God these people are holding briefs for. Definitely not the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is going to tell the black man that he is being scammed day in, day out by the same people he has come to trust as custodians of divine treasures?

Tell a black man the truth about his much valued black bank and he makes you an enemy. He sees you as an enemy of his faith in God.

 You will not blame him, his innocent mind has made to believe all that goes on in the black bank belongs in Christ.

Who is going to remind the black man that when white missionaries came to Africa, they established free and affordable schools and hospitals that were "public", not private, without having to belabor their host and beneficiaries?

From politics to religion, I'm afraid the black man is his own enemy. The religious and political leaders are similar in their goal and strategies.

One divides them along denominational lines and the other, along ethnic lines so that they would not have a proper perspective and an overview of the larger picture.

In my humble opinion, as long as the black bank remains the focus of the black man, his emancipation is going to be far-fetched.

Infrastructural development remains far from his community. The much-needed liberation from his socioeconomic misery is nothing but a mirage.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. But it may piss you off first.


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