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The "Cash And Carry" gospel

By Ninyo Omidiji

We were teenage boys and girls, with only a few in their early 20s. We had one thing in common - We were on fire! We went everywhere around us with the gospel.

The town that played host to us knew we were there as we sought to leave no stone unturned! Fearlessly, We combed all the neighboring towns and villages with the message of the kingdom.

We were mostly poor students from poor backgrounds. Some among us only managed to eke out a living. Yet, lack of money couldn't pose a barrier or limitation to us.

We had no physical structures. No vehicles, not even a bicyle to our name as a group but we organized meetings and crusades. We did ministry and we were impactful.

In our lack, we gave willingly. We had an immensely deep sense of satisfaction and godly contentment.

We had nothing to hide or prove to anyone. We had fellowship among ourselves and we grew in leaps and bounds, both in number, love and in giftings. We ate our meals with gladness and simplicity of heart, reminiscent of what you find in Acts 2:46.

Long story cut short, we had a first hand experience, that a fat account or a constant flow of funds is not requisite to an effective ministry.

The mantra, "money is the requisite vehicle for the gospel ("Owo ni keke ihinrere") is one of the fatest lies that has travelled seamlessly from one generation to another.

Come to think of it, if money was to be requisite to the gospel, Jesus would have asked His disciples to wait for the "coming of money" before setting out. But no, He asked them to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit.

If money was requisite to the spread of the gospel, Jesus would have chosen those who had plenty of it, the affluent and "money bags" of his days for the assignment. But he chose those at the lower rung of the social ladder.

Unfortunately today, we have evolved an expensive version of the gospel. We run "Gucci ministries". Sad but true, that's the only idea of ministry that most people are conversant with.

My position on this can't be popular, but I'm convinced that the gospel is not expensive sir! No ! The church of Christ is not expensive to run, church organizations are.

I guess it has become pertinent for us to start differentiating between the church of Christ and church organizations.

If it becomes expensive, it is no longer the church of Christ, it has become an organization. A religious organization.

But Christ didn't leave His glory to go to the cross so as to establish another organization or religion. No sir!

I hate to admit that much of what dot the ministry landscape today is not the church of Christ. They are organizations.The fact that we go through all the religious motions, notwithstanding.

Church organizations are keen on numbers and crowds but the church of Christ is keen on souls and and their welfare.

Church organizations are keen on packing the auditorium full of people but the church of Christ is keen on filling men with the love of Christ.

Church organizations are keen on building personal empires but the church of Christ is keen on community impacts.

Church organizations need to organize "special programs" with diverse themes and advertise solutions to human problems to keep people coming but in the church of Christ, men and women are moved by the love of Christ to gather and fellowship.

Church organizations are keen on image laundering. Inviting big names in the "church industry" in the guise of "impartation" has become a tool for image laundering for them. But the church of Christ couldn't be bothered. She is only keen on one thing, the image of Christ.

Anything to draw the crowds and get the numbers, including comedians and singers, will do it for the church organization.

Church organizations are keen on both personal and cooperate gains. They suppose that "godliness is gain" and will turn the Bible on it's head to convince you. "Godliness with contentment" is alien to them. But for the church of Christ, "what things were gain to me I have counted loss for Christ" is their watch word. Phil 3:7.

Money and material acquisition drive the church organizations but the church of Christ is driven by love for humanity.

Church organizations are desperate for attention. They want to be known for success and their yardstick for such is what obtains in the world system. They are always trying to prove to you they are "called". The church of Christ is rest assured of the calling. She's got nothing to prove to anybody.

Recognition by kings and political office holders is a sign of success and God's approval to the church organizations, but to the church of Christ, "a servant is not greater than his master, if they persecute me, they will persecute you".

Church organizations are many and diverse as they come (exemplified by the various denominations) but the church of Christ is one.
The church organizations can't fellowship without a choir, instruments, public address system, buildings erroneously named "church". But for the church of Christ, it is a matter of "anywhere two or three are gathered in His name".

A lot of what I call "ministry paraphernalia" have taken the front burner in the church organizations.

The buildings, the projects, "special programs", the travels, hotel bills humungous honorarium, the private jets, private schools, houses in London or Canada, the lavish lifestyles have become some of the paraphernalia of church organizations.

This is why ministry in the church organizations has become expensive to run. This is why money, in the name of all kinds of offerings has taken the front burner. This is why many churches would rather close shops than stop churning our different kinds of offerings with fancy and catchy tags.

I bet many people cannot imagine ministry outside of these. Many young ministers are hoping to jump on the bandwagon. This is simply a lost generation. This is one generation that needs to be re-introduced to Christ and His ways again.

Anyone who says he needs a private jet to preach the gospel around the world is running a "Gucci ministry". It has got nothing to do with Christ. Even Jesus in His days didn't own a donkey, He borrowed one.

Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is light but the model of ministry that has been sold to us is money-gulping and burdensome to the people.
Yet, people are made to pay, having been given false hope that their escape from economic misery depends on it.

Ministry has become "cash and carry". Gifted preachers have become merchants. This generation has witnessed the emergence of well sought-after preachers with a strange "anointing for fundraising". whatever that means.... They craftily twist the scriptures to attach people's blessings to money.

Inspite of the cacophony of voices misconstrued as ministry today, the discerning remnants know that the true ministry is not expensive, church organizations are.

Hear me sir! Money cannot be the face of the gospel. Not the gospel of the kingdom. To make material acquisition the fulcrum of ministry is to do violence to everything the Christian faith stands for.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, but it may piss you off, first.


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