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Trump's "lifeless" comment on Buhari: A reflection of a continent that lacks heart of her own

Posu , Joseph Sewanu

I considered it a sweet - bitter emotion when I received the news of that ' unpresidential ' remark of Trump against President Buhari that the latter is lifeless. In all honesty, this is an aberration and a slap on the collective face of Africans. It's reprehensible and deserves outright condemnation from all and sundry.

That said, why would Trump have that gut and audacity to call Buhari , the number one citizen of the most populous black nation on planet Earth , such an unprintable name? Would Nigeria have a sound  sleep had reverse been the case ?

Africa truly does not have the balls to kick against any form of bully from the West. We have no heart of our own. The reason is because we depend on these guys for virtually everything.

When fall sick, those saddled with the responsibilities of building our hospitals rush down to those countries for medicare. When  we talk of first - rated educational systems, we don't think of building ours. We can't just go through the rigorous pains.

We can't invest our mental and financial resources into it. Afterall, education does not have immediate or short - term benefits. So, why would a country or government invests heavily in what is not beneficial to the government in the shortrun ? We prefer paying the fees abroad. That's easier. That's how lazy we are.

Take a look at the world political systems and world institutions. Look at how Africans are fenced off. Talk of Federation of International Football Association ( FIFA ), FIBA, IMF , IBRD , WTO, UNO, etc, Africans have no say there. We have been relegated absolutely to the background. The reason is simple- we are not a serious people.

We are not ready to take our destiny into our hands. We are not ready to face reality. We are not ready to build long - lasting legacies to be bequeathed to the unborn souls. Afterall, we met no solid foundations and so, why would we be thinking of building one ?

Sometimes this year, when Trump planned to receive Buhari in the White House, it became subject of contention as to whether or not he was the first President in Africa to be so honoured. I felt too ashamed of us. I felt too embbarrassed as a member of this country.

The argument was happening at a time when Cedis had overtaken Naira and our currency had no value in the sub - region. The argument was the talk on cyberspace at a time when the vast majority of the citizenry could not afford three - square meal a day. It was even when the State Medical Centre in Abuja could not guarantee safety of the members of the presidency and if those ones could  not receive the needed medical attention, one could imagine the fate of ordinary Nigerians.

The narratives have not changed yet. This was nothing but a case of being penny - wise and pound - foolish. Less important things take pretty much of our time but we invest less time or no time in more important things. What a people !

Africa lacks productive base and cannot export any tertiary outputs except the raw materials which she needs not add any much value to. Philip Emegwali lamented this in 2004 in his paper presentation ' Brain Drain ' when he observed that Africa exports raw steels but imports vehicles 100 per cent made of steel.

 That's madness ! We export crude oil and import its refined output. It's just like exporting cassava and importing garri. Is that not madness ?

What really takes our time is religion. Not even our traditional worship we die for but the foreign ones.  The last time I checked, Christianity had well over 40,000 registered denominations. Africa had the largest share. We build religious centres instead of production centres.

In Finland, the total number of worship centres in that country is 22( all religious centres put together ). One beautiful thing about this country is that she has 100 per cent literacy level. Every single person in Finland is educated. It's also among the fastest - growing economies of the world.

Yet, Africa is far religious than Pope and Prophet Mohammed ( May peace be upon him ) but has negative indices in every measure of human advancement.

My boy of 8 ,Ezekiel , queried last year when he demanded to know why ' made in China ' is always written at the back of whatever he observes and why not made in Nigeria. The curious mind asked if nothing was being made in Nigeria.

 His little sister, Treasure , jokingly responded ' But zobo is made in Nigeria '. Her friend's mum makes that product so she believes that is a made - in- Nigeria product. Funny ! Isn't it ?  Unfortunately, that's the reality of Africa.

While growing up as a child, electricity was a scarce commodity as the acronym NEPA meant ' Never Expect Power Always '. Anytime the power was switched on, we would all - both young and old -  chorus ' Up Nepa ' in jubilation reminding the neighborhood that the commodity was now available for the time being.

Sadly enough, the same is what we still experience. No government has been able to find solution to this ugly trend or reverse the status - quo. My children still chorus the same today. Is this not shameful. Yet, the sun that radiates in Nigeria a day possesses the solar potential to power the world a week !

Take a look at our educational system, especially here in Nigeria. Our education has been so relegated to the periphery that schools operate British curricular in our system and we do not question it. This is the most embarrassing thing that can happen to us as a people. Not even Trump remark against Buhari that is more embbarrassing.

Education curricular are products of the national philosophy and aspirations of the people  in a given society. Our philosophy, history, culture, values , norms,tradition and heritage as a people are absolutely different from that of Britain. Yet, British curricular are criminally and illegally operated  in our primary and secondary schools and we behave as if nothing were  happening. So, why won't Trump call Buhari lifeless? Are we not lifeless ? Do we have life of our own ?

This ugly remark of Trump against Mr President should serve as a reminder call for all and not a time to engage in a diplomatic rancour.


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