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President Buhari, Rep.Benin's Talon inaugurate West African's biggest border port in Seme-Krake

Oredola Adeola|

President Muhammadu Buhari and his Republic of Benin counterpart, Patrice Talon, on Tuesday performed the official commissioning and hand-over of the new Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Border Posts at Seme-Krake and Neope-Akanu in Badagry.

The SÈMÈ-KRAKÉ infrastructure development commenced in 2011. The modern enabling facilities was built on approximately 17 hectares of land within the border. It strategically lies on the Lagos-Cotonou-Lome-Accra-Abidjan corridor, which accounts for about 70 percent of the entire transit traffic in the sub-region. The corridor is also part of the Trans-African Highway network.

The post is the flagship project in ECOWAS as it is a major regional public assets. It is one of the busiest boundary lines not only in West Africa but the whole continent, daily recording huge movement of persons, goods and services.

In his address during the inauguration President Buhari congratulated the people of Nigeria and Benin and the whole West African Community on the significant landmark handing over of the newly improved SÈMÈ-KRAKÉ Border Post.

According to him, SÈMÈ-KRAKÉ Joint Border is one of the busiest boundary lines not only in West Africa but the whole continent, daily recording huge movement of persons, goods and services.

He added that the new regional facility would enhance the free movement of persons and goods in the region and foster integration between the people of Nigeria and Benin.

He said, “I congratulate President Patrice Talon of the Republic of Benin on the successful completion of this magnificent project. Nigeria and Benin share many things in common. Hence, the establishment of the Joint Border Post will certainly promote our brotherliness and emphasize our common interest.

“ I also commend the ECOWAS Commission for its contribution to this important project, which has made the completion possible. Same gratitude goes to the European Union Commission for their financial commitment to the success of this laudable project, same way they supported two other Joint Border at Malanville (between Benin/Niger) and Noepe-Akanu (between Ghana/Togo).

"As the Chairperson of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, I once again express our appreciation to the European Union for believing in our region.

“Our region is suffering from inadequate transport infrastructure and inefficient services, which is one of the major bottlenecks to the attainment of socio-economic development and integration.

" ECOWAS is a region where Ports, Roads, Railways and Airports still remain a constraint despite significant recent progress made.

“Nigeria has embarked on major investment programmes covering these sectors to improve the competitiveness of our economies and accelerate growth. We are therefore delighted to welcome such initiatives aimed at boosting the economic integration of our member States in West Africa.

“In order to take up the challenges described, the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government had adopted in 2003, the road transport and transit facilitation programme, including the construction of Joint Border Posts across the sub-region.

President Buhari disclosed that these investments were launched to facilitate cross-border transportation and movement of persons and goods by removing non-tariff barriers.

The  objective of the port, according to him, is to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the main transport corridors in West Africa so as to boost international trade which is a key factor of growth and contributor to poverty alleviation.

He further noted that the purpose of Joint Border Post implementation by the Community is to achieve greater trade facilitation by combining border clearance activities in a single location, to benefit from economies of scale, to simplify clearance procedures, to increase cooperation and coordination of controls, to foster data and intelligence sharing and to improve control against fraud and corruption.

President Buhari noted that the joint Border Post is a symbol of integration that brings together the peoples of Nigeria and Benin. He disclosed that Nigeria is committed to the operationalization of the Joint Border Post and will work closely with the Republic of Benin to ensure the success of this set of Border formalities.

He noted that the edifice would further enhance border officials working condition and would make them more efficient and effective in carrying out their duties. He added that a joint Committee with membership from Nigeria and Benin has been established for the coordination and management of the facility.

The President however urged members of the committee to ensure that border officials are sensitized on the mode of operation of the Joint Border Post concept which is a big departure from the traditional mode of operation.


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