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Tunde Adekeye passes on @57

Oredola Adeola |

Adieu my first Editor, Mentor and Professional Guidance

The PEN drops

 Pen has refused to write , the ink stocked in its reservoir
B'cos the Proof reader has gone

The Pen has refused to write, fingers have lost the strength to grip..
B'cos the Editor has gone

My Pen has refused to write, dragging on the piece of paper 
B'cos the Content watch-dog has gone

The newsroom loses its lustre, stories refuse to fly
B'cos the Veteran Word-Smith has passed on
When the news broke, that TK has gone to meet his ancestors 
I struggled to hold my tears, I am worried, who will tolerate my editorial inadequacies

Since the Pen has failed to write, how will the readers know that Tunde Adekeye has joined the saints 


 TK's advice resonates…..

“Adeola, you can do it , just keep at it , you have what it takes to be a GREAT journalist “ –

This is one of the many charges and encouragement, that I received from you till about three months ago, when you edited my work at that your usual joint in Ojuelegba.

Little did I know that that meeting  would be the last time that I will be dealing with you

Hmm…three weeks ago, you sent Facebook message to me, demanding to know if the new edition of my magazine ( Surprise Africa) is ready to be edited

I said no, adding that I was putting finish touches on it, optimistic that it would soon get to you, no thanks to the terrible economy.

You are a dedicated journalist, who stuck to the journalism profession amidst tough and unencouraging Nigerian media world.

At many occasion , we discussed how the management of PM News messed up with people’s career.

I recalled , in 2008, when I was maltreated by my first publisher, who, at that time,  asked you to stop dealing with me, you insisted that the young lad(me) can’t be treated with disdain just like.

Upon my resignation with Education Watch, you took me in as a reporter. You gave me the opportunity to write for PM News as a freelance writer..

Despite my horrible write ups then, while others were complaining, you insisted that I can do better and kept correcting me.

You mentored me from a rookie and stood by me when I started publishing my magazine.

You always endure the pain with your meagre resources to call  me and asked how I was faring on the job.

When I informed you earlier in the year that I am going into full time publishing, you gave me the support and encouraged me , insisting that I must succeed

Today all is but a story

Many words and long epistles can’t explain and quantify, how much you have sowed into my career.

TK Baba as you are fondly called…. You have left an indelible mark on the sand of time.

I am proud to have been  mentored and tutored by you…

Your legacy lives and I will pass it on to the next generation

We, your extended family will miss your newsroom charges

You are the only Proof Editor who will not condemn a report no matter how horrible it is, rather, you will guide, spot errors and correct the writer.

Thanks for being there and we are sorry that we can’t pay the price for your huge labour before you departed.

Life is sometimes UNFAIR, as I wish you live longer to enjoy your labour, but God knows best.

Papa TK, rest in perfect peace


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