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Semilore Adeoye emerges winner of 6334Plus reading competition, becomes first Ambassador

Semilore Adeoye, a pupil of Springforth School, Lagos, has emerged as Winner of the 6334Plus Summer Reading Competition held on Friday 6th, 2019 at the Eternal King School, Amje , Alagbado, Lagos, thereby making her the first Ambassador of 6334Plus. The winner won a school bag and Testerjay's Scholarship for first Ambassador (Part Payment of school fee). 6334Plus is the brainchild of Testerjay UK Enterprise, United Kingdom( UK) based firm owned by a Nigerian. The Readers' Club is part of 6334plus' educational intervention programmes and support services specifically focused on improving the quality of academic offerings in Nigeria. At the Summer reading competition which was the inaugural event of the club, the winner, Semilore scored 13 points, while Okereke Delight from B-Gold School and Adebowale Nimota, from Ummul Khair School, both emerged as 1st Runner-Up. They both won school bags and Testerjay's prize for second. Olaiya Daniel,from Great Prestige School, Master Newton from Grand School and Master Orimadegun David from Komfex Group of School, all scored 10 points each , to emerge as 2nd Runner-Up, thereby making it three pupils in that position. They won an Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The twenty-seven club members selected from ten(10) schools were given Amazon tablets installed with several literature books and novels. The pupils during the reading context, read e-book version of the adventure book, titled "Summer of Spies" authored by Abigail Hornsea. Speaking about the initiative, Mr James Oyebode,Director of 6334Plus said, "The maiden edition of the club's activity is the result of hardwork, focus and careful planning, which is meant to evaluate and improve the reading skills of students in Nigeria. He said, "Our programme is meant to bring out the best in every member of the club and we are committed to achieving this irrespective of the cost implications on our part. Our objective, at the end of the every session,is to contribute in no small measure to the academic performance of our CLUB MEMBERS in Nigeria. "We are particularly encouraged by the schools that offered to present their children for the pilot scheme. We assure them of robust partnership that would yield optimal result in their offerings. " I got the inspiration to launch this project in Nigeria having seen a similar project enjoyed by my children in the UK schools. I belief this project can also be fine-tuned and introduced to Nigerian children. This is why we embarked on this project because we don't want Nigerian children back at home to be denied of advancement in global education. " I congratulate Semilore, our first Ambassador and I am sure she would be joined by other burgeoning Ambassors for the selection of the Royal Ambassador, who would be offered a trip abroad later in the year. Mr Oyebode however promised to do all in his capacity to provide logistic needed to spread the project in all the state in Nigeria. The excited participants and the management of participating schools commended 6334Plus for the great initiative, charging the organisation to spread the programme to other students and schools.


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