In the annals of history of the prophetic ministry, both in the days of the Bible and in our present days, events all point to the fact that God still speaks to his true prophets.
There are all sorts of folks going about town with all kinds of appellation. They do all sorts of things bringing disrepute to the name of God and specifically to the prophetic calling. God is not happy with this class of folks.
However, the proof that the original of a thing is in existence is mostly validated by having the counterfeits around. If you see the counterfeits, that shows that the original is in existence, you don't counterfeit, counterfeits, you can only make a counterfeit of the original.
The above sums up the prophetic ministry of *The general overseer of Shiloh word chapel Abuja* Prophet I O Samuel (JP)
God's word says, who is that prophet that speaks and it comes to pass when the Lord has not commanded or spoken it? ( Lamentation 3.37).
Again, it is clear from the scriptures that when a man speaks and it fails to come to pass, he only speaks for himself! He has not spoken the mind of God!
If you are familiar with the life and ministry of Prophet I O Samuel, you will be convinced that God's hands is upon him.
He has given too many prophecies that looked like they were absurd in the natural sense and they all come to pass!
Precisely, on the 31st December 2013, by the leading of God's spirit, he gave the prophecy that , there was going to be a change in the ruling party of Nigeria, he forsaw the geographical shift of power from the south to the north, it sounded so absurd then! He also gave a word concerning the CHANGE mantra of this present ruling government in Nigeria as far back as that date, when APC was not even the ruling party. He did this during the annual service, where prophecies concerning the new year are unveiled!
Today, they have all come to pass. ( See the video attached here).
It was this same prophet that forsaw, professor osibanjo's helicopter crash!
He has given too many individual, national and global prophecies that all came to pass, none of his prophecies have fallen on bare ground! no man can do all these in the energy of the flesh, except he is called and empowered by God.
Graced with accuracy of the word of prophecy, Prophet I O Samuel is not just a true seer, he is a man of faith, a man of unusual revelation of the word, a passionate lover of humanity who has given millions in the form of special intervention to help many in need, via his Shiloh Samaritan foundation, based in Apo, Abuja. The present location of the church's headquarters.
He has written over 35 life transforming books, which are read all over the world. His life and ministry validates the fact that God is still in the business of speaking through his true vessels.

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